-You keep the mouse and the mobile beside each other and very frequently bang the mobile and wonder why the mouse isn’t working well.
-Though we know that the Mobile shows the time, we kind of forget it..... Read MoreBlogs I Read
Pray1 year ago
Our anchors4 years ago
गरीबी हटाओ की नहीं, अमीरी लाओ की जरूरत5 years ago
they make the clouds here!5 years ago
Cancer up close and Personal!6 years ago
Harp – Book Review8 years ago
Velveteen10 years ago
Easter Egg Hunt10 years ago
The 3 mistakes of Chetan Bhagat!11 years ago
Karna’s Anguish11 years ago
The Culprit in Me12 years ago
We are Back on Jan 1st.201312 years ago
Are you still coming here to read me?13 years ago
Another one in the offing13 years ago
If we ever meet again14 years ago
Damn the need to Damn!!!!!14 years ago
Bye Bye Blogspot15 years ago
Moving15 years ago
The Big Shift - from Delhi to Bangalore16 years ago
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
With my first attempt at poetry winning lot of accolades, I wanted to do write one more poem So bear with me and read on
Forget all your worries for a while
And just smile,
You need not run a mile,
A smile is what keeps u senile
Monday, May 4, 2009
Justice delayed is justice denied??
Justice delayed is Justice Denied??
Isn’t it true? Doesn’t it always happen? My history is weak but didn’t it happen with the bofors case, the sikh riots and the very recent Mumbai attack? These are the very few cases which all of us know while there are still many cases pending in the courts.
I want to believe in our judicial system and strongly believe that a fair trial should be given to the accused, immaterial of the scale of crime committed. But the world around me doesn’t allow me to believe in these principles.
Read more from my wordpress blog where it was originally written
Monday, April 27, 2009
Imagine you get up in the morning after a Nice weekend (where you did nothing but eat, sleep, sit lazily, watch the idiot box, waste money for shopping all those things which are absolutely unnecessary at that period of time, catch up with friends and family and so on and so forth)and then you realize it is Monday. Then begins the hurry. Get out of the bed, get ready, catch the cab, go to office, check office mails, reply to them, plan the things to do for at least half the coming week, check gmail, yahoomail, orkut, facebook, reply to them, open Google reader read all the blogs written during the weekend, write a comment to them, and in between do some office work. By this time one of your colleagues pings you and calls for lunch. Now, go for lunch, come back and get back to work, then suddenly you realize you have a meeting in an hour (why do people plan most of the meetings on Mondays??) and hence less working hours, try to complete you work ASAP, come back from the meeting where you hardly say anything but listen to someone who goes on and on, again get back to work, and then you realize it’s time you go home, pack all your things and leave.
Phew!! Tiring isn’t it?? That’s how most of the Mondays are
Read more (From Wordpress where the post is actually made)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Letter to Mom
Dear Mom,
I never imagined that I would be writing such a letter to you. As they say an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. So today, when I dint have much work in office and was wondering about what to write as a next post in my blog, I thought about you. The love, care and affection you show to us (brother and me). I know that you will never read this but I couldn’t stop myself from my writing about what I feel for you.
In my childhood and adolescent days, I always used to respect working women, as I thought that they are doing a great job by balancing their family and work. I never looked down upon the homemakers but yes, I had a little more respect for the working women. But, as I grew up, my perception changed and it changed for the better because of you. I realized that you as a homemaker did so much for our family without complaining. I know you feel it as your responsibility but you dint have to do it in such a wonderful manner.
LIFE -- Handbook
Ever since I made my entry into WordPress, though i felt like writing on several topics I was waiting and waiting as i thought my first official post here should be something different. But now i realized instead of waiting for writing on a nice topic why don’t i carry on with my usual stuff and then post something different as and when i get such thoughts.So, here I am posting this, which I got as a forwarded message. Liked most of it and hence posting it here
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
Read More from Wordpress where the actual post is posted.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Shifted to WordPress
I am still not aware of most of the features available in wordpress but then i decided i will explore more. Particularly, I liked the nested comments feature in it. And as there was a facility to move all my earlier posts with the comments to wordpress, i found no reason why i shouldn't move on. However, i will try to post the same posts here also.
Here's my new blog link:
Add it to your blog roll and keep visiting :-)
Monday, April 13, 2009
You think you can dance??
Coming back to the topic, as long as it is concerned with watching dance programs/seeing people dance, I am perfectly O.K, but if anyone asks me to dance then arises the problem. I cannot dance. Period.

Once i am out of college, one reason why i was very happy was that i wouldn't have to dance again and even if i do, my friends wouldn't be there who would force me to dance. But then all that happiness vanished with the first office party. Few times, colleagues will ask to dance and few other unlucky times boss would order to dance. One way i found out was, to go to the dance floor, stand for a while and then when no one is noticing, come back and sit in a corner.
Though it’s very easy to dance( By easy I mean not the professional dance, but just the normal dance where people enjoy by moving the hands and legs in some or the other manner) I couldn’t and can't do it. I feel very strange when dancing(attempting to dance). with no offense to those who are dancing, moving your feet and hands like this and like that and all sounds mm.. weird to me. I like the music being played and i like to see people dancing to those tunes, but then when it comes to me, i simply cannot dance. As they say 'pappu can't dance', i become the pappu.
I wonder whether I am the only one like this? or there are at least a few who do not dance. I hope there are at least a few more pappus like me and face similar situations.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
An attempt in Poetry
It always sounded to me like a mystery,
But then I realized it was all about symmetry,
Though it is a little tough, it’s not as hard as trigonometry!
It’s all about finding the right words and how you link,
It is very easy if you think,
And then you realize it is ready even before you blink!
At any point of time, don’t be wary
It is the attitude which you carry,
Your effort will result in a chocolate cake with a cherry,
And at the end you will be making Merry!!!
Do not whine and Cry,
Just give it a Try!!!!!!
So here I sit before my lappy,
Writing this poem which most will think is crappy,
But which is making me feel Very Happy!!!
I finished writing my first poem!! And it turned out to be better than what I had expected it to be :-)
P.S: I feel trigonometry is very easy. But used this word as I could not recollect any other word which will match the symmetry :-)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
All Fools Day!!!

Its April 1st and and with just half day gone by I have been fooled twice in the day till now : (
The 1st instance was a mail from a friend saying that she was getting married. I was very happy for her and even tried calling her. The mobile was switched off. So I sent a messages saying congrats and all. When I continued reading the subsequent replies from my other friends, then I realized it might be an April-fool-trick. And guess what? Only I fell for that trick. All my other friends understood that it was meant to fool us and no one fell for it except me :( (how innocent of me :D ).
That was how my day at office started. As I proceeded with my work, a colleague of mine pinged me and asked if I had read the comment she left on my previous post. As it is I am excited about my blog (I know it may be not too good, but still it’s My Blog and I just love anything related to it). And then she said that she was inspired by my blog and hence she created her own blog on Monday (2days back). I know it was a bit too much but still I fell for it and asked her the blog address. She gave it and when I opened my browser and pasted the link. I got the message that blog doesn’t exist. Just imagine how dumb I was!! Instead of understanding that I was fooled, I pinged her and told her that I am getting this error and asked her to spell the address correctly. It was only after seeing her reply that I realized that I was fooled and that too very badly.
Till date, this was the year where I was fooled by all my friends. Hope next year I will take revenge on them. Till then, all of you who fooled me enjoy the pleasure you obtained by fooling me. For the ‘Greater good’ I sacrificed and let you people enjoy the pleasure of fooling me. :D
After typing all this I realize that the day is not even half gone and I am prone to be fooled again. Will edit the post to add those incidents(If any happen. I hope not!). Please do tell me if you have any such incidents where you/your friends were fooled.

Monday, March 23, 2009
Negative Vote - A good Idea??
I found this petition online. Though it sounds absolutely practical to have an option of choosing none of the above in an election, I personally do not think it to be a good idea. Negative Voting, is an option given to the voter where he/she can decide to vote against ‘none of the candidates’ contesting in the elections. That is if we do not like any of the candidates contesting in the election, instead of refraining from the elections, we can go ahead and use this option and convey our message that we do not like any of the candidates.
I do agree that it would be a good option wherein if we do not consider anyone worth the position they are contesting for, we do not elect them. But doesn’t that lead to wastage of lots of money and time of many people.
Let’s see a scenario where-in there are 4 contestants from a constituency and I think none of them deserves to be a MLA/MP, and then I go ahead and choose none of the above. If more than 50% of the voters follow this, then as per the petition, these candidates should be debarred from contesting the next re-poll. Then the election commission has to reschedule and conduct elections again. And this time let us assume that the parties send in a different set of politicians who are as good as the earlier ones. Standing by our principle, we repeat our act and let us assume the result is also same. This would lead to another re-poll. And as far as my knowledge, the 1st 4 candidates will become eligible now and the whole process is repeated.
If we analyze this situation,
1. A lot of money is being wasted (at least half of which will be the money we pay through taxes) in the whole process. Some of it for organizing the elections, a lot of it for election campaigns.
2. Infrastructure. Organizing an election takes in a lot of effort. A lot of people like election commission, government employees who help in organizing the election at different booths, police force which tries to ensure free- and-fair elections.
3. Most important of all. Time. When the elections are being held once in 5 years the voting percentages are decreasing time after time (part of it can be attributed to the lack of good politicians). And if elections are held at this frequent rate, the voting rates are bound to go even lower.
All in all, even if this option comes into effect, we cannot be sure that the whole of our political system will change because of this. It has been here for years and it will take a lot of years to change the system.
I do agree that more than 95% of the people contesting in the elections have criminal cases against them/ resolve to vote bank politics and raise communal tensions in the country. But then, we can’t change it by casting a negative vote.
I read a blog about this. I do agree with the writer that it is difficult to choose between Narendra modi, D P Yadav, Pappu Yadav, Taslimuddin and Mohd. Shahbuddin or any of the sundry criminals. But then if we look out carefully we do find people like mallika sarabhai. There is always good and bad. It’s up to us to decide which is good and which is bad. And if the decision is not so easy then we have to decide which is comparatively better or lesser bad when compared to other.
As a responsible citizen we should cast our vote, but then what’s the point if we waste that golden opportunity given to us. It is our responsibility to not only go to the polling booth and cast a vote but, also to vote it to someone who is at least half better than his counterparts. All the time we crib and complain that all politicians are useless and all but when we don’t want to come out of our comfort zone and contest in the elections then whats the harm in choosing the best among the worst?
Remember Rang De Basanti, we loved the movie so much because it reflected the present scenario. The words of Madhavan , which Siddarth repeats later ‘Nothing is going to change by blaming the system in place. We should try to become the change to change the system. Join IAS, IPS... Join politics and try to change the country if you can’.
Similarly, when we take the little effort required to go to the polling booth and cast a vote, then why waste it by casting it to none of the contestants. Why don’t we take in a little more effort and then choose a better among the worst. They say something is better than nothing. Then why don’t we resort to it?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Though I have stopped playing holi a few years ago for no specific reason I can think of, I still like to sit in a corner and watch people playing with the colors.
When I was a kid, all of us used to wait eagerly for this festival. As Holi is a holiday, in school the festival was celebrated a day earlier. Although playing with colors is restricted in school, after the school time a number of kids play and as it was past the school hours the teachers dint mind much.

Childhood is so much fun! All of our childhood, we want to get older and once we grow up and are out of colleges, we want to go back to our childhood days. Such is the irony of life! :(
P.S: This is my 25th post on my blog!! I have been reading a lot of blogs these days and with each day passing I have started loving the “blog samaj” more and more. So I hereby make a resolution that I will blog more frequently be it on sports, politics, studies, work or nothing. If I feel it I am gonna write it. And I hope that if I stick to this resolution I am going to cross the two digit figure soon. So till the time I write my new post, enjoy!! And a Happy Holi!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I swear...
I swear that this time I will stand up.
Not for what i believe in, but for what I dont.
This time I will vote.Not for but against.
Against my own helplessness.
Against my own laziness.
Against two words called Chalta hai.
Aganist short cuts in queues.
Against cheating in exams.
Against Kharcha Paani in offices.
Against powerless inquiry commissions.
And powerful vote banks.
Against religion in politics.
And politics in religion.
Against illegal constructions.
And legal loopholes.
Agaisnt every cynic, every non-believer.
Against the belief that nothing will change.
Against the feeling that my vote cannot make a difference.
Against every excuse for not voting.
I will do this without fear or shame.
Because only by voting against all that is
destroying our today, will I give my children
something to vote for tomorrow.
Lead india '09
Let's make this vote count.
I took the oath. Did you?
Stand up and speak out. Vote now( I mean whenever the elections are)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Random Thoughts
As this is my first post in the New Year, I hope that I will post more frequently than before. Now that I have started writing, I wonder what I should be writing and Finally, after a lot of energy wasted on thinking, I have decided I will write on all those topics which have been in my mind since a while.
The Slumdog Phenomenon
- Be it for the golden globe awards or for the 10 Oscar nominations it has won, ‘Slumdog millionaire’ has become the talk of the Nation. This film based on the Novel written by an Indian author Vikas Swarup, portrays the rags to riches journey of a boy, who wins a game show and becomes a millionaire.
- Though everyone around seems to like the movie very much, I personally felt that it was not that great a movie as it is being labeled as. It was just another movie where in the lead actor goes through several hardships and luckily ends up being a millionaire.
-This might be the only instance when an Indian film has made it to 10 Oscar nominations, but we cannot judge a movie just because it has won/nominated for the Oscars (which most people consider to be the highest award to be given to a movie).
- The point here is, a movie will be liked if a person can relate to it. And as far as I know, even though a few Indian films are good enough, the people in the West cannot relate to them and that’s the reason we never won any Oscars. That’s the reason why a film like Lagaan which was realistic enough could not win at the Oscars.
- Not that it would affect me, but I still hope that A.R.Rahman wins the award.
End of FedEx??!!!!
- This is the question, rather a statement made by a number of people in the previous year. I do agree that 2008 has not been good for the tennis maestro. He could not continue his winning streak, neither at the Grand slams nor at the other tournaments. But we should not forget that there are ups and downs in a sportsman’s career.
- A player like Federer who has been not only playing tennis continuously but also winning most of the games, is subjected to wear out. We should not expect him to win each and every match he plays.
- He lost his number one spot not just because he played badly, but also because Nadal has played exceptionally well during this period.
- Let us all wish that Federer regains his winning streak and break more records.
The after effects of Mumbai terrorist attack.
- Almost two months, since the dreadful terrorist attack in Mumbai, and still we can see no solid action being taken. Though the Indian Government seemed stern with its decision to put pressure on Pakistan and demand some action, no proper action plan is visible in the near future.
- Though after a number of denials, Pakistan has finally agreed that Kasab, the lone terrorist survivor, is its citizen, it is still pointlessly denying any links with terrorist related activities being taken in their country.
-With a change of government in the US, there is a hope that, if not any action, future terrorist activities will reduce and we all will live in a less violent world.
The ’Obama’ Effect.
- This man has been the center of attention of the whole world since the past 6-7 months. He’s been in the presidential race with one agenda- change, and the Americans have welcomed it. He is now the first African American president to hold the post.
- His win has been an inspiration to a number of people and is being as described as a new era in the history of America.
- Now that he has won the elections, he has a bundle of things to handle of which the present economic recession will be the topmost priority. The whole world is waiting eagerly to see how he handles things and brings out America from the Recession.
With so much happening around the world, here I am sitting before my laptop and typing this. I will definitely try to write something better and interesting the next time.