First things first, this post is not related to the popular TV show
So you think you can dance. I have seen a few episodes of this show and I liked them very much. I even like watching
Nach baliye (I saw the 1st and 2nd series and loved it. Though lost interest in the later series. There was a 4th series which was over a month ago I guess). Rajeswari&Varun and Tina&Hussain were my favorite dancing pairs then.
Coming back to the topic, as long as it is concerned with watching dance programs/seeing people dance, I am perfectly O.K, but if anyone asks me to dance then arises the problem. I
cannot dance. Period.

Ever heard of the phrase 'when it comes to dancing, i am born with two left legs'? It aptly suits me. I enjoy seeing people dance but when it comes to me, I cannot. The 1st instance when I was forced to dance was when I was in my 1st year of graduation. The seniors gave us a freshers party and all of us were suppose to dance there. I told a number of times that I couldn’t but no one played heed to my excuses. I somehow managed to twist my legs and hands and somehow got out of that situation. Come second year, as I was a senior, no one could force me this time and I happily sat back and watched my friends dance. 3rd year and 4th year, my friends took the responsibility of making me dance and requested to dance. After a lot of requests and orders, I would go on to the dance floor but couldn’t dance :-( would stand there and give company to friends who enjoy dancing.
Once i am out of college, one reason why i was very happy was that i wouldn't have to dance again and even if i do, my friends wouldn't be there who would force me to dance. But then all that happiness vanished with the first office party. Few times, colleagues will ask to dance and few other unlucky times boss would order to dance. One way i found out was, to go to the dance floor, stand for a while and then when no one is noticing, come back and sit in a corner.
Though it’s very easy to dance( By easy I mean not the professional dance, but just the normal dance where people enjoy by moving the hands and legs in some or the other manner) I couldn’t and can't do it. I feel very strange when dancing(attempting to dance). with no offense to those who are dancing, moving your feet and hands like this and like that and all sounds mm.. weird to me. I like the music being played and i like to see people dancing to those tunes, but then when it comes to me, i simply cannot dance. As they say 'pappu can't dance', i become the pappu.
I wonder whether I am the only one like this? or there are at least a few who do not dance. I hope there are at least a few more pappus like me and face similar situations.