On a bright summer morning, a baby was sleeping under an umbrella shaped mosquito net. A 4year old boy comes out of nowhere, removes the mosquito net and pinches the girl. The baby starts crying and the mother rushes into the room. That baby is now 21 years old and writing this blog and that naughty boy, my brother has grown into a mature individual.
The relationship between any siblings will always be wonderful but my relationship with my brother is altogether different. No no it doesn’t mean our relationship is not wonderful, infact it’s marvelous.
I’ve seen a number of brothers, who treat their sisters as delicate dolls and pamper them and all that.., but my brother fights with me, teases me, scolds me and what not. We used to fight like hell and I used to hate him for that. But now I feel that had these fights never happened, my childhood would have been so boring. It is now that I realize that that during all these fights and silly arguments, our bond grew better and better..
He’s more intelligent than me (which I never agree before him) and was so jealous of this fact. For my academics, his performance was kind of a benchmark and if I happened to do better than him, it was as if I had conquered the world. He did help me sometimes in my acads.. how can I ever forget the hr tips he gave me to prepare for the interviews.
Given any situation, he made me prepared for the worst. In these 21 years if there was a moment when I felt low, he was there to boost my confidence and make me believe that I was better than most of the others.
He’s one person who’ll listen to all nonsense I talk and give me a good advice at any time. He knows me better than me and I can count on him for everything.
He’s indeed my best friend and will always be..