Blogs I Read

Friday, February 29, 2008

My best Friend

On a bright summer morning, a baby was sleeping under an umbrella shaped mosquito net. A 4year old boy comes out of nowhere, removes the mosquito net and pinches the girl. The baby starts crying and the mother rushes into the room. That baby is now 21 years old and writing this blog and that naughty boy, my brother has grown into a mature individual.

The relationship between any siblings will always be wonderful but my relationship with my brother is altogether different. No no it doesn’t mean our relationship is not wonderful, infact it’s marvelous.

I’ve seen a number of brothers, who treat their sisters as delicate dolls and pamper them and all that.., but my brother fights with me, teases me, scolds me and what not. We used to fight like hell and I used to hate him for that. But now I feel that had these fights never happened, my childhood would have been so boring. It is now that I realize that that during all these fights and silly arguments, our bond grew better and better..

He’s more intelligent than me (which I never agree before him) and was so jealous of this fact. For my academics, his performance was kind of a benchmark and if I happened to do better than him, it was as if I had conquered the world. He did help me sometimes in my acads.. how can I ever forget the hr tips he gave me to prepare for the interviews.

Given any situation, he made me prepared for the worst. In these 21 years if there was a moment when I felt low, he was there to boost my confidence and make me believe that I was better than most of the others.

He’s one person who’ll listen to all nonsense I talk and give me a good advice at any time. He knows me better than me and I can count on him for everything.

He’s indeed my best friend and will always be..

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A True Leader

Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the 11th president of independent India, is a person who lets his deeds do the talking. An engineer by profession, he not only did his work earnestly but set an example to umpteen numbers of people. He’s not a person who preaches others to be punctual, but display his respect for the value of time by doing things at the right time (he stood in the queue sharp at 7a.m. to cast his vote during the parliamentary elections).

He’s a different person altogether. He asked the Indians to dream big and endeavor to make those dreams a reality. A perfect bachelor and an able president. He set an example to thousands and is an inspiration to millions. Though he couldn’t extend his term of office for 5 more years due to the politics of a few selfish people, he’ll always be remembered as the Peoples’ President. He was a man who bought a about a change in the way people looked upon at the Rashtrapati Bhavan and the President.

Such was his charisma that the nation couldn’t appreciate the fact that we’ve got a 1st woman president because it meant the end of the tenure of a great person. I may not remember the works he had done during his term of office, but the respect he brought to that position will never leave my memory. This man is now leading a silent life( as a teacher as far as I remember) but sir, the inspiration you brought in us will never die.

President or not, but you will remain in the hearts of a billion: as an inspiration, as a role model, as a scientist and above all a true leader.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

how do you define????

How do you define?

The subtle difference between confidence and over-confidence

How do you define?

The pivotal difference between being independent and being isolated

How do you define?

The contrasting difference between self respect and pride.

How do you define?

The minute difference between being expressive and being talkative

How do you define?

The vital difference between arguing and convincing others that your point is correct.

How do you define?

The significant difference between being modern in thought and being outrageous.

How do you define?

The elusive difference between being an introvert and being restrained.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

principles cant b applied to judge ppl

There is a proverb that a person can be judged by the friends he/she has. But how far does this hold true? Science says that “like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other” Doesn’t this principle apply to our lives? Does having a friend, who has certain bad qualities mean that we are also like that? Or does having a very good person as a friend necessarily mean that we are similar? This logic leads to the conclusion that the above mentioned proverb doesn’t hold true.

The big question to be answered now is, whether a person can be really judged using any parameter? How can anyone judge a person by a few meetings? Or by asking a few questions? In this 21st century where everyone is concerned with their own interests and get along in their lives with a plastic smile glued to their face how can we judge a person? How can we come to a conclusion that a person is doing something all by himself or is he doing the act coz he’s expecting something in return. And moreover what one considers good might turn out to be bad for someone else. Then how can we judge that person based on his acts??

It’s also said that time brings about change in a person. It means that the behavior of a person is not consistent and keeps on changing with time. How then can we expect a person to remain the same as the one whom we “judged”?

All this discussion results in only one conclusion: that a person can neither be judged by his actions nor by his behavior. How then can he be judged? I get no answers..

And to all those who are reading it, don’t you try judging me by reading this post.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Who moved my CHEESE

Life is no straight and every corridor along

which we travel free and unhampered,

but a maze of passages,

through which we must seek our way,

lost and confused, now and again

checked in a blind alley.

But always, if we have faith,

God will open a door for us,

Not perhaps one that we ourselves

would ever have thought of,

But one that will ultimately

prove good for us.”

A. J. Cronin

How very true these words are. And how excellently the same thoughts have been explained by the Dr. Spencer Johnson in his book “who moved my cheese”. The book was fantastic. To be frank I found the book to be a bit boring and kind of preachy in the beginning but once I finished reading the whole book I simply loved it. The way the writer mentioned simple rules of living using tiny creatures was really good. And more than the story it was the discussion which was good, may be because it was realistic.

Overall it was a great book which not only tells us to keep changing with circumstances but it also gets us acquainted to change. This book definitely changes the way we perceive changes around us and brings about a positive attitude in everyone.

“Who moved my Cheese” -- DR SPENCER JOHNSON

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